Nice work! A couple ideas your work brings to mind. Audentes Fortuna Iuvat, "Fortune favors the bold". You have to take risks, especially when young (and throughout life). If successful, you'll build confidence to take further, hopefully calculated, risks. If you fail, you will have learned some valuable lessons before taking your next steps (always take those next steps). Exploration vs. exploitation, you just have to decide when and in what percentages.

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Well put and completely agree! The confidence to step into new terrain is a valuable outcome of risk taking in and of itself. thanks Steve! :)

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I want to widen my 'now' - you are such a wonderful writer. The Nightingale quote is something. The last line is a door and all the lines before it a lovely path.

Be like Justin! (And his sister!)

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ha thank you Sally! :)

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Loved it! This one especially hits home. You are one gifted Pony! :)

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haha thanks Mehari! :)

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holy cow, what a piece. loved every bit of it 🤌🏼

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thanks Kathy!

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Insightful. Well thought and written. Keep writing

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thank you uncle Gabe!

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masterfully done. a timely sign for me to sign up for that acting class 👏🏿

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love it; do it!

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