'My greatest personal triumph — the thing that I’m the most proud of in my life — currently lives in my resume’s blank space.' I completely agree. I proudly wear my 'career break' on LinkedIn (although I contemplated a full week on whether I would make it public). Life is so much more than professional achievements. And I think it's also important to find the right community that values this as well. Thankful for your piece today!
Another gem 💎 Loved reading this one!
thank you Kathy!! :)
'My greatest personal triumph — the thing that I’m the most proud of in my life — currently lives in my resume’s blank space.' I completely agree. I proudly wear my 'career break' on LinkedIn (although I contemplated a full week on whether I would make it public). Life is so much more than professional achievements. And I think it's also important to find the right community that values this as well. Thankful for your piece today!
thanks so much Jasmine! and so glad that you proudly listed it..it inspires me to do the same..! :)